24. März 2020


Dear busi­ness part­ners and PRO­PRO­JEKT friends,

we have been fol­low­ing the situ­ation and devel­op­ments regard­ing COVID-19 closely and attent­ively in the past weeks and days. Due to our respons­ib­il­ity as a com­pany and the guidelines for the lim­it­a­tion of social con­tacts decided by the fed­eral and state gov­ern­ments, we have decided to pro­tect our team, our busi­ness part­ners and third parties by the fol­low­ing guidelines for deal­ing with the cur­rent situ­ation:

  • As part of the soci­ety’s efforts to pre­vent infec­tions in the private, pro­fes­sional and public realm, our team is work­ing from home for the most part. As usual, we can be reached via land­line, mobile phone and email without any restric­tions for you and your pro­jects.
  • Even if we regard the per­sonal exchange with you as an import­ant part of our pro­ject work, we will sus­pend our busi­ness trips until fur­ther notice.
  • In order to con­tinue to keep in touch with you and to ensure that the pro­jects run smoothly, internal and external meet­ings are held by tele­phone or video con­fer­ence. We would be happy to assist you with the organ­iz­a­tion and imple­ment­a­tion of "digital" appoint­ments.

We are firmly con­vinced that the cur­rent restric­tions and effects on private and pro­fes­sional life and work can best be mastered through heightened mind­ful­ness, solid­ar­ity and trust of every­one involved. Aware of these chal­lenges, we would like to con­tinue to sup­port you and your pro­jects pro­act­ively and respons­ibly.

We there­fore invite you to con­fid­ently approach the coming weeks with us and to make the best of the oppor­tun­it­ies of a changed and more sus­tain­able work­ing world.

Stay calm and above all healthy!

Your entire PRO­PRO­JEKT team