21. März 2018

Cur­rent pic­tures of the con­struc­tion site „Seni­orinnen­wohnan­lage Schwar­zburgstraße 12“

After com­plet­ing the pre­par­at­ory plan­ning ser­vices, the demoli­tion of the former senior cit­izens res­id­ence in Schwar­zburgstraße 12 in Frank­furt, Nordend, was star­ted in Novem­ber 2017. After clear­ing and remov­ing haz­ard­ous mater­i­als, the exist­ing build­ing is now being demol­ished in a qual­i­fied way with super­vi­sion by the engin­eer­ing office Bau­grundin­sti­tut Franke-Meißner und Part­ner GmbH, Wies­baden.

In the future, a new build­ing accord­ing to the design of the gen­eral plan­ning office a|sh architek­ten, Lud­wig­shafen, will be con­struc­ted on the plot. It provides 31 res­id­en­tial units on the upper floors as well as shared areas for dis­trict-related usage on the ground floor. The com­ple­tion of the res­id­en­tial com­plex for needy eld­erly women is sched­uled for summer 2019.

To the pro­ject

Abbruch Schwarzburgstraße
Abbruch Schwarzburgstraße
Abbruch Schwarzburgstraße